Sunday, 22 March 2020

A time for re-connect

Everything that happens in life is for a reason – it’s either a blessing or a lesson. The present situtaion of the spread of covid-19 is a wake-up call for all of us. Many people have lost their lives for no misatke of theirs. There are hunderds and thousands of people who have lost their livelihood; businesses have shut down and the economy has dipped to the lowest ever. There are people who have put their lives on the front line to keep the rest of us safe. The sooner we realise the seriousness of the situation and get into self-discipline and social isolation, the better equipped we will be to contain the pandemic.

Irrespective of why it all happened and how it all happened, the fact is we all are in it – in flesh and blood; affected either direclty or indireclty. Let’s use this time of isolation as an oppurtunity for self-analysis, self-observation and self-love; bond with self, bond with the family. Let’s take a journey inward to heal the wounds that have been left unattened for ages. Let’s take the time to build a relationship with self so strong we learn to connect with each other and the universe with utmost love, care and humility. Let’s learn to cry, laugh, listen, converse, observe, make peace, accept and to let go. Let us learn to  breathe and just be!

Let this be a lesson and a blessing that would bring us all together as a ‘Humanity’. Let us be open to learn from the mistakes and build respect for the most precious of gifts that we have been blessed with – LIFE. Let this be a fresh start, a new beginning. Let’s become human again, let’s bring in the sense of community. Do remember, a time for self, a time away from each other  is also a way of showing love, respect and care.

May we awaken with awareness, mindfulness and humility.
Stay safe, stay humble, spread love. 
Keep the distance to better the human connect.

                                Health, peace and love 

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