‘The past is a candle at the great distance: too close to let you quit, too far to comfort you.’ - Amy Bloom
I am not sure what I was expecting when I chose the book ‘The head that won’t stand’ written by Kavita Chandran, as my bed-time read. It’s a very simple book with a very simple language yet with deep stories in it! Once I started going through the pages, my hands refused to put the book down, my head & heart just wouldn’t agree to break the train of memories, thoughts & imagination they were going through. It was as if I was totally engulfed by the book. With every page I was walking with the author through her memory lanes which I have also passed through in the past- the same city, same Shala, same guru. Only the other characters were different..
This book is so special to me for having given me an opportunity to re-live the life-changing experience I have had with the beginning of my yoga journey in this beautiful place called Mysore & the amazing Guru Bharath Shetty. The ever supportive & encouraging fellow practitioners who inspired me to look at myself & the life around with an entirely new perspective. I have never been the same since. That was the birth of a new person within me.
Now when I think, my life feels like a huge spiral staircase decorated with some interesting memories at every step. It feels like, through this book, I am reminiscing the fond memories of my experience in Mysore. Like in a fairy tale, I look through the magic mirror & marvel at the various experiences & people who have contributed in moulding me into the person I am today. And I just can’t stop being amazed at the thought that this moulding of personality is a life-long process; a new me is going to be born every day, bringing in the opportunity & possibility of a new life.
With immense gratitude I thank the author Kavita Chandran for penning down her experience & memories and sharing it with the World, making it possible for me( & probably for many more people) to re-live those wonderful days of life!
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